Please identify who is ordering the report.
First Name*
Last Name*
Phone Number*
When is the file due?
Is there a preferred viewing date?
Intended User *eg lender name, executor of the estate, etc.
*Please keep in mind, if this is for financing some lenders require they assign an appraiser directly. Even though we may be on their approved list, they still may not accept an appraisal not ordered directly by the lender or their agent. If you are unsure please contact us and we may be able to provide some guidance on this issue.
Enter Intended User
About the Property
Address of Property to be appraised *If no street address you can skip down to the notes field.
Street number
Unit number
Street Name
Postal Code
Notes about property or additional info such as legal description if civic address is not applicable.
*if available please provide legal description in addition to street address as this often avoids delays with incorrect information.
Provide additional information
Billing Information
Name of the party we need to send our invoice
Billing Contact
Billing Contact Telephone Number
Billing e-mail address
Bill to Company Name if Applicable
Billing Address (Full Address)
Notes: please provide some basic information. Feel free to add any relevant info here. We'll sort it out. After entering any additional relevant information in the box below, hit submit or for those who would like to know a bit more about the order process we have provided a bit more information in our Soup to Nuts about ordering sections. There you can learn a bit more about the ordering process before submitting.
Soup to Nuts - A few more things to consider when ordering an appraisal
If you're reading this, you're invested in better understanding the issues surrounding the appraisal process and we appreciate that. We are always happy to help clarify the process which can help resolve issues before they even arise. If you are an industry stakeholder please feel free to reach out to discuss any issues. We have placed this information (the form only and not the contents) in the public domain for the benefit of the public and anything we can improve on, learn from or share with others, the better off our industry can be.
*No response required to the following points but if you have any questions feel free to enter that here, otherwise go ahead and hit that submit button at the bottom of the page. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you A Clear Appraisal.
If we provided you with a verbal quote or you already know the fee you can enter that here.
*If you have already received a quote elsewhere and you are still shopping around, please provide some more information.
We are not in the business of under cutting fees or price gouging but we recommend you shop around a bit and not only about fees. Appraisers have varied areas of expertise. In some cases that expertise, including recent experience with a specific type and location of a property, may allow them to be more efficient. In other cases they may be aware of the complex nature of the assignment and a higher fee may be an indication that they understand the time and resource commitment to complete the assignment. Also, the level of analysis and reporting can vary. Depending on the property and assignment details, some appraisers are comfortable with a minimum level of analysis and reporting while others prefer a more thorough approach.
*If you are unsure or the fee seems too low or too high please ask. As a part of our ethical obligations mandated by the relevant associations, CNAREA or AIC, appraisers have agreed to preserve the public trust in the profession. Consumers may not always be aware of the extent of the analysis and reporting that goes into an appraisal. Unfortunately, without a reasonable understanding of all of the factors, for many consumers price may end up becoming a deciding criteria. We strive to provide fees commensurate with service levels and the appropriate scope of work in order to provide ongoing trust in our profession. In some cases the appraiser may already be working at capacity and will be required to work well beyond a reasonable work schedule, often setting aside personal time to accommodate a rush or high priority file. We may quote a fee that reflects those demands. In those cases, we are never offended if the quote is declined provided the client understands were were merely providing an option.
Soup to Nuts - A few more things to consider when ordering an appraisal
More on the intended user. The appraiser must identify the client and any intended user at the time of acceptance or engagement of an assignment. In certain cases the client and intended users identity may be withheld from the report but must be documented by the appraiser. If you are a broker and have not yet identified an intended user (lender), then you may be the client and the intended user. In that case the intended use will be identified in a manner such as; "To identify a potential lender for use in mortgage financing." In most cases you may already have identified the intended user (lender). It is up to the appraiser to determine the intended user type and how they are identified in the report.
*Changes in intended user where a new intended user is requested. AIC and CNAREA each handle this differently but with a similar outcome. AIC appraisers in compliance with CUSPAP may use a Letter of Reliance often confused or interchangeably used with the term Letter of Transmittal, whereby they are required to obtain written permission from the original client and possibly from the original intended user before they are able to issue the letter.
CNAREA appraisers in compliance with USPAP are required to verify they have the necessary permission to use the data they collected in the original assignment, that their contract with the original client does not prevent them from doing so, then create a new work file and a new report.
The intention of the later method is to ensure that if the new client and intended user have different requirements as determined by either that party or the appraiser, those are specifically addressed in the new report. In some cases, this may be items such as restrictions or limitations on the inclusion of outbuildings or number of acres etc. or for example where in the case a new intended user is a private lender, they are often placing greater reliance on the value of the property and would benefit from a more detailed report in order to satisfy their own, likely more stringent, standards. In many cases there is little difference in the work involved where the original file format was digitally created using the appraiser’s own forms or licensed software and there are no significant changes in report substance. In some cases the report was provided using the clients software and a duplicate copy cannot be provided. In those cases there will be additional time entering the report into a new format. In all cases it is up to the appraiser to determine the suitability of the prior report to meet the new circumstances of client, intended user and market conditions etc.
There can be significant difference in a combination of factors including additional risk to the appraiser therefore, copies or updated appraisals are not simply a function of clerical time.
More on the intended user.